How to Draw a [redacted] in Adobe Illustrator

  1. Open Adobe Illustrator.
  2. Create a new file that is 1000pt x 1000pt.
  3. Save the file.
  4. Draw a circle that is 200pt x 200pt.
  5. Color the stroke and fill of the circle black.
  6. Place the circle at the following x/y coordinates: 500pt x 236.87pt.
  7. Draw a rounded rectangle that is 200pt x 400pt.
  8. Color the stroke and fill of the rounded rectangle black.
  9. Place the rounded rectangle at the following x/y coordinates: 500pt x 549.57pt.
  10. Increase the rounded rectangle's corner radius to 30pt.
  11. Save the file.
  12. Go to File > Export > Export for Screens
  13. Set "Export to" as your desktop, format to PNG, and scale to 1x. Then click "Export Artboard"
  14. Place your image in the following Google Drive folder: